Monday, January 30, 2023

Shenagans and C++


Quote of the Week

"Curiosity is about Wisdom."

 - Professor Wang

Let's take a look back at the previous week and what we accomplished in code. We're still on that C++ grind and it's the first week of my sixth semester in college.

As you can see from the picture above, we first started by identifying how to use class objects and methods, using a theoretical dog. His name is Fred, say HELLO!🐶 

class MyDog {

protected: //This is the perfered method of making non-publically accessable values in C++ 

string _name;

int _weight = 300;

bool _isHealthy = false;



string getName() 


return _name;


int getWeight()


return _weight;


void setWeight(int weight) 


if (weight > 0) 


_weight = weight;



void setIsHealthy(bool isHealty) 


if (_weight > 200) 


_isHealthy = false;




_isHealthy = true;




MyDog(string name);

void DoDogRun();


MyDog::MyDog(string name) 


if (name.length() == 0) throw "Error: Couldn't create my Dog.";

MyDog::_name = name;


void MyDog::DoDogRun() 


if (MyDog::_isHealthy)

cout << MyDog::_name << "is running!" << endl;

else if (MyDog::_weight > 200)

cout << MyDog::_name << "is too fat to run!" << endl;


cout << MyDog::_name << "Is unhealty; see vet first" << endl;


int main() {

MyDog* thisDog;

try {

thisDog = new MyDog("Fred");


catch (const char* msg) {

cerr << msg << endl;

return -1;


cout << thisDog->getName() << "needs excercise" << endl;






delete thisDog;

thisDog = 0;

return 0;


This code serves the purpose of more practice using classes and pointers to hold instances of the object.

I then started working on trying to better understand derived classes and how they function. I have somewhat of an idea out of the gate, having some experience with Python classes. However, it works a little different with its syntax. To start let me tell you what a derived class is. It's a class that shares protected information with a parent class, making it a sort of child. This derived class can be invoked separately from the base class when written properly. It's used for multi-stepped projects or to keep regular users from accessing private variables you wouldn't want to be changed.

The example given to explain this is probably one of my favorites, as it involves frozen pizza haha.

class FrozenFood {


int Price;


int Weight;


FrozenFood(int APrice, int Aweight);

int GetPrice();

int GetWeight();

virtual void BakeChemistry();


class FrozenPizza : public FrozenFood { //This a good example of a derived class from the Frozen Food


int Diameter;


FrozenPizza(int APrice, int AWeight, int ADiameter);

void DumpInfo();

void BakeChemistry();


class DeepDishPizza : public FrozenPizza {


int Height;


DeepDishPizza(int APrice, int AWeight, int ADiameter, int AHeight);

void DumpDensity();

void BakeChemistry();


//Frozen Food Functions

FrozenFood::FrozenFood(int APrice, int AWeight) {

Price = APrice;

Weight = AWeight;


int FrozenFood::GetPrice() {

return Price;


int FrozenFood::GetWeight() {

return Weight;


void FrozenFood :: BakeChemistry() 


cout << "To Bake it put into Oven for 20-40 Minutes" << endl;


//Frozen Pizza Functions

FrozenPizza::FrozenPizza(int APrice, int AWeight, int ADiameter) : FrozenFood(APrice, AWeight) {

Diameter = ADiameter;


void FrozenPizza :: BakeChemistry()


cout << "To Bake it put into Oven for 20 Minutes" << endl;


void FrozenPizza :: DumpInfo() {

cout << "\tFrozen pizza info" << endl;

cout << "\t\tWeight:" << Weight << "ounces" << endl;

cout << "\t\tDiameter" << Diameter << " inches" << endl;


//DeepDish Pizza Functions

DeepDishPizza::DeepDishPizza(int APrice, int AWeight, int ADiameter, int AHeight) : FrozenPizza(APrice, AWeight, ADiameter) {

Height = AHeight;


void DeepDishPizza::DumpDensity() {

//Calculate the pounds per cubic food of deep dish pizza

cout << "\tDensity: ";

cout << Weight * 12 * 12 * 12 * 14 / (Height * Diameter * 22 * 16);

cout << " pounds per cubic foot" << endl;


void DeepDishPizza :: BakeChemistry()


cout << "To Bake it put into Oven for 30 Minutes" << endl;


void Bake(FrozenFood *) 


cout << "Cooking" << endl;


int main() 


cout << "Thin crust pepperoni" << endl;

FrozenPizza pepperoni(450, 12, 14);



cout << "\tPrice " << pepperoni.GetPrice() << " cents" << endl;

cout << "Deep Dish extra-cheese" << endl;

DeepDishPizza extracheese(550, 21592, 14, 3);




cout << "\tPrice: " << extracheese.GetPrice() << " cents" << endl;

return 0;


That's all I would like to share for this week, next week expect something a little more theoretical, like code design patterns. Until then, Peace 💣

Monday, January 23, 2023

C++, Python to Executable, and Minecraft Shenanigans.

 Welcome Back to my Blog!

Where we recap what we did the previous week, I was moving from home to college to start my spring semester, so it's going to be shorter than last time, but let's get into it.

Quote Of the Week

"Sorry your dog died, I guess." 
- Redditor

This week we dabbled in C++, starting a new chapter of the book so let's start with that.


This week we started Chapter 11, which is called "Planning and Building Objects". I made it to the "Building Hierarchies" subsection. Previous to this section, we went over how to properly use classes and children functions, methods, and protected vs. private variables. It was more conceptual writing rather than code, so I only have this "Dog Health" script to show. I would have gotten farther, but due to the hectic week, I could only get so far.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class MyDog {
protected: //This is the perfered method of making non-publically accessable values in C++ 
string _name;
int _weight = 300;
bool _isHealthy = false;
string getName() 
return _name;

int getWeight()
return _weight;

void setWeight(int weight) 
if (weight > 0) 
_weight = weight;

void setIsHealthy(bool isHealty) 
if (_weight > 200) 
_isHealthy = false;
_isHealthy = true;

MyDog(string name);
void DoDogRun();

MyDog::MyDog(string name) 
if (name.length() == 0) throw "Error: Couldn't create my Dog.";

MyDog::_name = name;

void MyDog::DoDogRun() 
if (MyDog::_isHealthy)
cout << MyDog::_name << "is running!" << endl;
else if (MyDog::_weight > 200)
cout << MyDog::_name << "is too fat to run!" << endl;
cout << MyDog::_name << "Is unhealty; see vet first" << endl;

int main() {
MyDog* thisDog;

try {
thisDog = new MyDog("Fred");
catch (const char* msg) {
cerr << msg << endl;
return -1;

cout << thisDog->getName() << "needs excercise" << endl;



delete thisDog;
thisDog = 0;

return 0;

Python to Executable 

Now I also researched how to turn a .py file into a .exe to facilitate a transfer of my programs without the need for people to download python and have all the necessary scripts. The best and easiest way to do this is to use an application called "auto-py-to-exe" a quick google search should show you a documentation page and a youtube video or two on it.

The program I put into an executable was the PPCC (Personal Pokemon Card Creator) that was previously shown here. I even made a new icon for it; take a look.
If you'd like to see the functionality of this card creator, you can take a look at my post about it here ( I will release this ".exe" file soon, so please be on the lookout; if you'd like to see the raw code, you can go to my GitHub page linked above. If you use the code, please credit it to me.


We have the server up and joinable, and the starting area has been fully completed, as shown in the picture above. I will keep you posted and maybe showcase the builds of the week.

That's it for last week. Be sure to come back next Monday to find another post at the same spot, 
the same place until then

Monday, January 16, 2023

Making an Minecraft Server and More C++

Welcome to my blog; if this is your first time here, be sure to look at my other posts and tell me what you think of them. Now, it's time to look at what we did the past week. 

Quote of the Week

Kirby's not cool; he's ugly.

-Little Kid at Target

At the start of the week, we continued studying C++; we made it to the second section of the 'C++ All-in-One for Dummies,' which covers Advanced C++ features. The portions that we went over this week are how to make classes, what an enum is, what constants are and why we use them, how to make children classes, how to comment correctly, how to use 'cin', and, preprocessor directives.

 I've decided to paste in the Code rather than take a picture, so if you need it in the future, it's as simple as 'Ctrl-c'.

main.ccp (Classes Maybe Objects)

#include <iostream>

#include "Pen.h"

#include "Oven.h"

#include "Cheese.h"

using namespace std;

void AddOne(int* number);

int main() 


cout << "Hello World" << endl;

//enum MyColor {blue, red, black, green}; // enum creates a new type, such as an int or float

//MyColor inkcolor = blue;

//MyColor shellcolor = black;

int CheeseBlocks = 0;

const int MyInt = 3; // a constant inacted by using the "const" varriable unchangable even when you pass a reference to it or another function 

Fruit* Apple = new Fruit();

Cheese* asiago = new Cheese("Meh.");


Cheese* limburger = new Cheese("Atrocious. Bleh");


asiago ->eat();


CheeseBlocks --;



cout << endl;

cout << "Cheese count: " << CheeseBlocks << endl;

cout << "asiago: " << asiago->status << endl;

cout << "limburger: " << limburger->status << endl;

delete asiago;

delete limburger;

cout << endl;

//Raw Pointers

Pen* MyPen;

MyPen = new Pen;

MyPen->inkColor = grey;

cout << MyPen->inkColor << endl;

delete MyPen;

MyPen = 0;

//Smart Pointers

unique_ptr<Pen> MyPen2;

MyPen2.reset(new Pen());

MyPen2->inkColor = red;

cout << MyPen2->inkColor << endl;


//Making String and Pointer Copies (Aliases)

string OrigStr = "Hello";

const string& StringCopy(OrigStr); // The copy that cannot be modified

OrigStr = "Goodbye";

cout << OrigStr << endl;

cout << StringCopy << endl;

Oven Tom;

Pen FP; //This is your instance of the class Pen (Favorite Pen) is an Object

FP.inkColor = red;

FP.shellColor = red;

FP.capColor = grey; = ballpoint;

FP.length = 6.0;

FP.brand = "Apperture Science";

FP.inkLevelPercent = 35;

Pen WP; //This is your instance of the class Pen (Worst Pen)

WP.inkColor = black;

WP.shellColor = grey;

WP.capColor = grey; = felt_tip;

WP.length = 3.0;

WP.brand = "Apperture Science";

WP.inkLevelPercent = 75;

cout << "This is my favorite pen" << endl;

cout << "Color: " << FP.inkColor << endl;

cout << "Brand: " << FP.brand << endl;

cout << "Ink Level: " << FP.inkLevelPercent << "%" << endl;

FP.write_on_paper("Hello I'am the Mystic PEN OF POWER!");

cout << "Ink Level: " << FP.inkLevelPercent << "%" << endl;

cout << endl;


return 0;


main.ccp (AdvancedC++Features)

#include <iostream>

#include <sstream> // the library that contains istringstream, ostringstream

#include <conio.h> // This library gives you better access to the console.

//istringstream - if you want to READ from a stringstream

//ostringstream - if you want to WRITE to a string stream

using namespace std;

// Note to self: put these in a class to utilize later.

int stringToNumber(string myString){

//Converts from string to number 

istringstream converter(myString);

//Result of method

int result;

//function to perform and return the resuts

converter >> result;

return result;


string enterOnlyNumbers() { //The main use of this function is to use if you cannot for some reason use 'cin'

string numAsString = ""; //Holds the numeric string.

char ch = _getch(); //Obtains a single character

// Keep requesting characters until the user presses Enter.

while (ch != '\r') { // \r is the Enter Key

//Add characters only if they are numbers.

if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {

cout << ch;

numAsString += ch;


//Get the next character from the user.

ch = _getch();


return numAsString;


string enterPassword() {

// Holds the password string.

string numAsString = "";

//Obtains a single character from the user.

char ch = _getch();

// Keep requesting characters until the user presses Enter.

while (ch != '\r') { //remeber that '\r' is the enter key.

cout << '*';

//Add the character to the password string.

numAsString += ch;

// Get the next character from the user.

ch = _getch();


return numAsString;


string numberToString(int number) {

//Converts from number to string.

ostringstream converter;

//Perform the conversion and return the results

converter << number;

return converter.str();


int main() 


// Just a basic name-entering 

string name;

cout << "What's your name? ";

cin >> name;

cout << "Hello " << name << endl;

//Now you are asked to enter a number,

//but the computer allow you to enter anything!

int x;

cout << endl;

cout << "Enter a number, any number! ";

cin >> x;

cout << "You chose " << x << endl;

//This time you can only enter a number

cout << endl;

cout << "This time enter a number!" << endl;

cout << "Enter a number, any number! ";

string entered = enterOnlyNumbers();

int num = stringToNumber(entered);

cout << endl << "You entered " << num << endl;

// Now enter a password!

cout << endl;

cout << "Enter your password! ";

string password = enterPassword();

cout << "Shhhh it's " << password << endl;

cout << endl;

//Contains Theoretical number of kids.

float numberOfKids;

//Contains an actual number of kids.

int actualKids;

/* You can theoretically have 2.5 kids, but in the real world, you can't.

* Convert the theoretical number of kids to a real number by truncating numberOfKids 

and display the results.


numberOfKids = 2.5;

actualKids = (int)numberOfKids;

cout << "Float to Interger" << "\tTruncated" << endl;

cout << numberOfKids << "\t\t\t" << actualKids << endl;

//This time we'll use 2.9 kids

numberOfKids = 2.9;

actualKids = (int)numberOfKids;

cout << numberOfKids << "\t\t\t" << actualKids << endl;

//The following process rounds the number rather than

//trunicating it. We do it using these two numbers.

numberOfKids = 2.5;

actualKids = (int)(numberOfKids + .5);

cout << "Float to Interger" << "\tRounded" << endl;

cout << numberOfKids << "\t\t\t" << actualKids << endl;

//This time we'll use 2.1 kids

numberOfKids = 2.1;

actualKids = (int)(numberOfKids + .5);

cout << numberOfKids << "\t\t\t" << actualKids << endl << endl;

//In this case we use stringToNumber() function to perform this conversion.

cout << "String to number" << endl;

int numx = stringToNumber("12345") * 50;

cout << numx << endl << endl; // TYhere is no typo here, this just makes the next cout push to the next line.

//In this case we use numberToString() function to perform this conversion.

cout << "Number to string" << endl;

string myString = numberToString(8675309);

cout << "Here's my number:" << "\t" << myString << endl;

return 0;


Near the end of the week, I decided to do a 'side-mission' of sorts. I wanted to make a Minecraft server since my friends and I have been getting really into the game recently. To accomplish this, I booted up my old Linux machine and connected it to my router. I started researching "How does one make a Minecraft server?".  I eventually found a really helpful tutorial online that was really straightforward; I'll link it down below. However, this tutorial is only for Ubuntu, and I'm not quite sure about the rest of the OSes, but it seems pretty straightforward.

That's it for this week, put in the comments what you'd like to see, and how you take your coffee. 


Monday, January 9, 2023

Learning C++, the Sequel

 Welcome Back to my Code Rodeo!

Hey everyone, I'm Patrick, and we worked on learning more C++ and setting up a home server last week. I knocked out 4 Chapters of the book and learned about loops, conditionals, arrays, methods, functions, and pointers. Let's talk about it.

    Since I already know Python, a lot of this was review. However, some notable things were different. A good example is how the 'for' loop takes three arguments, which will run until the middle value is no longer true. Then there is a 'do while' loop, which reminds me of the Python 'try and except' loop works (Here's a link to W3 schools to give you an example: Python Try Except ( 


    Then the newest and most exciting portion of these last few sessions was 'Pointers'. Pointers are portions of memory that you can assign whenever the build is run. You can store references to data but not the data itself. It uses the '*' and the '&' when manipulating them. The overall goal of using pointers is to optimize memory usage. This is a topic I'm going to have to research further before I can effectively use it.


Quotes of the Week:

'C++ causes brain damage' 


'But you get real power (Ooh)' 

                                                   -C++ All-in-One for Dummies

'The more you know about pointers the better you'll be.' 

                                                -C++ All-in-One for Dummies

Well, I hope you enjoyed this week's post, and be sure to check back the following Monday for more C++ or even a finished project.


Monday, January 2, 2023

Learning Some C++ Again

 Welcome to the New Year Everyone!

I'm going to try and post on here every week. This will show me how far I've come in about a year or so. This 2023 should be a new start to many great adventures, not just online but thankfully in person since COVID is dying down. I thought I would just show you some sample garbage code I've been throwing together in Visual Studio. I'm learning the basics of C++, since its methods are a little different than Python.

Fun FACT: Python is made up of C and C++ scripts.

I'm using a book from the "for dummies" series. I know there are free resources online, but I've always found it better to study from a book. This way you retain more and don't just copy and paste it. I'll share more as I make more projects and study new things. Til then enjoy these pictures! Peace. ✌

DOCTOR! The Calculator is Terminal!! The C++ variety ;)

    Hello, and Welcome to my Blog!  If you're a returning visitor, ...Hello Again! Quote of the Week: ..but fear itself isn't worthy...