Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Outlaw Alley: The WANTED Poster Generator !

 Hello, and Welcome to my Blog! 

If you're a returning visitor, sorry I was gone.

Quote of the Week:

You don't have enemies. The truth is that nobody has them.


Hello, my loyal followers today! I have an application to show that I've created in preparation for a new event at SUNY Canton. The event's name is the Wild West Fest, and this application is called Outlaw Alley. It took me about 2 weeks to create this program, and it's pretty straightforward to the point even a 5-year-old could use it. 

The application consists of five screens. The title, name prompt, bounty prompt, taking the picture, and restarting. I'll go over a few of them below. The first screen is where the user is first told what they're looking at and actively conveys what the goal of the application is, as seen below.

Please forgive the shotty background, as the webcam is limited at the moment as this is running on a desktop. 😂

I have to give a special thanks to the GitHub user "matthewkayne" for providing the basis for the webcam portion of this project. I edited their source code by adding an additional method to the class for taking a picture and adding it to the Wanted poster.

Then after this screen, you will be prompted to enter your bandit name. I chose to be called 'Ol' Tan' because of the hat I was wearing, and 'Ol' White' might offend some people. Then it asks you to input your bounty. I put in the relatively high number of 10000, and then after submitting the number, you will be asked to take a picture. 

The one portion of taking a picture I'm proud of in this application is that it's nearly instant. This is compared to my previous project, the PPCC, where picture processing was incredibly slow.

After the picture is taken. OpenCV compiles all of the information from the application to generate a Wanted poster!

This is coded in Python and uses three main libraries.




The only way at the moment to try this out is to show up at SUNY Canton at the Wild West Fest. I'll be sure to drop more information soon. 

If you would like to test this out at your own event, please contact me at patrickmadon130@gmail.com

That's it for this week. Come back next week for more tech stuff from me.


Links Above 

GitHub Link:GreenyPM/OutlawAlley-WildWestFest: This is a WANTED Poster Generator made for the Wild West Fest 2023 (github.com)

DOCTOR! The Calculator is Terminal!! The C++ variety ;)

    Hello, and Welcome to my Blog!  If you're a returning visitor, ...Hello Again! Quote of the Week: ..but fear itself isn't worthy...